Revolutionary War Times

An 1876 print representing the "Declaration Committee," chaired by Thomas Jefferson, which was charged in June 1776 with drafting a declaration of independence for action by the Continental Congress. The "Declaration Committee," which included Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York, and John Adams of Massachusetts, was appointed by Congress on June 11, 1776, to draft a declaration in anticipation of an expected vote in favor of American independence, which occurred on July 2. Currier and Ives prepared this imagined scene of the writing of the Declaration for the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Library of Congress
  • Shortly before the Revolution—January 1, 1772—Theophilus and Grace Weeks signed a deed to Archibald Gillespie for half an acre of land. That was the last deed Theophilus ever signed. When the Onslow Court met just a few days later, one of the actions taken by the court was to appoint Archibald Gillespie inspector for Bogue Inlet "in the room of Theophilus Weeks, deceased." 
  •  During the American Revolution, a warehouse was established at the mouth of the White Oak River to supply the Continental armed forces. Here, beef and pork were salted and barreled. A British blockade of the coast greatly reduced the importation of salt, making its production of critical importance. In response to the crisis, several salt works were established in the Swansboro area to produce salt from sea water. Jeremiah Hote operated a salt works on Deer Island during these years. Throughout the war, vessels from the port of Swansboro engaged in privateering, including that of Captain Peter Ringware. A military company from the town (then called “Bogue”) patrolled the coastal area. 
  • In Lucy Greene’ history, she wrote, “After the outbreak of the Revolution, White Oak River men did their part in the armies of the Revolution. There were no active Tories on the river and an effort was made to keep the exports and imports moving from the wharves at Swansboro. Beef and pork were salted near the mouth of the river for the American armies. 
  • Deed Book K, February 1776, “Thomas Hewitt and John Hewitt witness deed from Benjamin Weeks & Silas Weeks to Sarah, Mary, Francis and Margret Wallice ... land on Whiteoak River, being part known as The Wharf, formerly occupied by Theophilus Weeks, containing 76-1/2 ac. in Arcibald Gillespie's line.” 
  • Ordinances of Convention, 1776. North Carolina. Provincial Congress. November 22, 1776 - December 23, 1776: Be it ordained and declared by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of North Carolina in Congress assembled, and it is ordained by the authority of the same … that William Gray, James Howard, Henry Rhodes, Lewis Williams, Thomas Johnston, Seth Ward, Benajah Doty, John Spicer, John Starkey, John Brinson, Stephen Grant, Edward Starkey, Robert Nixon, Archibald Gillespie, Stephen Williams, Richard Jerrat, Jacob Charleraft, Shadwick Hall, Reuben Grant, Esquires for the County of Onslow shall be Justices for keeping the peace and the Governor is hereby impowered to issue commissions to proper persons in each County and the said District to qualify the said Justices, and that they shall have power to hold Sessions of the Peace in their respective Counties…
  •  A last will and testament from 1776 - that of Archibald Gillespie:
...I will and bequeath unto my wife Lydia Gillespie one third of all my 
moveable estate during her natural life with the peaceable possession of 
the plantation whereon I now live, till my son James Gillespie comes to 
the full age of twenty years. Then said plantations and all lands 
together with two thirds of my moveable estate to be sold at Public 
vandue and to be equally divided betwixt my four children now living,
viz: Catherine, David, James & Borthwick Gillespie and in case my  
wife Lydia Gillespie be pregnant with child, male or female at this time 
or at the time of my death, to have an equal proportion with any of my 
four above mentioned children, and be it understood that I will and 
bequeath the above proportions unto said children and their heirs and 
assigns forever. And it further my will that the above third of my 
moveable estate bequeathed to my wife Lydia Gillespie be equally divided 
amongst my above-mentioned children at her death.  It is further my 
twill and desire that my two sons David & James Gillespie may be 
sent to some of the Northern Provinces in America and there bound to 
some trade at the discretion of my executors hereafter mentioned.  And 
I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Lydia Gillespie my executrix 
and my brother Brattick Gillespie my Executor...

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